Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Moving On Up

I started a new job last week. For the past week, I have been floating around the school, working in various classrooms and doing different tasks. I have enjoyed this, but still would eventually like to have my own class.

Today, I got that offered to me. Their kindergarten teacher is leaving and they asked me to be her replacement. I am ecstatic about it. I love the children in there and I have a good rapport with them. It is only for the rest of this school year, since they already hired someone for the next school year. After June, I will be working more in the office since my boss is going on maternity leave. All of this pleases me. I am excited for it.

When I told my boyfriend about it and how excited I am for it, his response was "Boo. You want to be a director."

OK? That is true...I would like to be a director. However, I know that it takes work to move up in position. I have already been blessed at this position to be moving up as quickly as I am. So I am happy that they believe in my abilities and qualifications enough to offer me the position of kindergarten teacher. I am responsible, the kids in there already know me, so it is easy to make the transition.

In the past week, I have worked my tail off. I am proud of that. I want to show them that I am a good worker, a better worker than I used to be, and see it paid off for me! I am happy. I just wish that he was happier for me.

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