Sunday, May 9, 2010

Starting Over

I am starting over on the weight loss journey. Not for anyone else but myself. I want to be happier with my appearance and overall be a healthier person.

I think that when I started in January I felt a lot of pressure from my boyfriend to lose weight. And for a while I agreed with him and I was doing a lot to lose weight. I lost 10 lbs and then gained it all back out of nowhere. It was a big yo yo, up and down for four months and I lost my motivation and confidence to continue on with it. So I stopped.

This time I am doing it for me and only me. I'm not even sure if I am going to tell others my plans cause I don't want to feel pressured again.

I think that I can do it this time. Now that the Spring is here, it will be much easier to take walks outside with my dog. Since my schedule changed at work and I have the afternoons free, I will have more time to go to the gym without cramping my evening plans.

I'm hopeful about this. I just hope it works this time.


C. Beth said...

Good luck! I hope the weight loss quest goes really well. I'm glad you're doing it for you.

I wanted to send you a quick congrats; I just gave you a One-Minute Writing of the day award, for 4/23. Great job!

-C. Beth

Chrissy Marie said...

I'm so with you on the pressure thing. It depends on who you tell, I think. Some people are really supportive but know when to just look the other way when you need to give in to the occasional craving. Others give you the look of death for even slipping a bit. Just keep a journal of what you eat and do it for YOU.