Friday, June 26, 2009


I saw my boyfriend on Wednesday after feeling distant from him for a few days. I really wanted to see him but was also was nervous. I wasn't sure how he would act around me. I was afraid we maybe lost our spark.

I had no reason to be nervous. We were goofy together as always. We talked about everything and nothing. We laughed and had a good time. And I think we really missed each other. I felt truly loved by him. His little kisses and his big ones made me feel like we are just as much in love as we were before.

After seeing him on Wednesday night, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I am not as sad in general. It is like a weight has been lifted.

It also reassures me that no matter how long of a time we are apart that we will still have our love for each other. Absence in our case makes the hearts grow fonder.

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