Monday, March 24, 2008

The Next Step

I am not really experienced in dating. So when it comes to online dating, I am clueless.

I am particularly clueless about the timing of things when it comes to online dating. I have been talking to this one guy through email for over a month. I have become very interested in him and would like to go to the next step. I emailed him my phone number about a week ago. He hasn't called but we continue to communicate through email on a semi-daily basis. The emails are wonderful. I look forward to reading them everyday. We even call each other cutesy names like "sweetie" and "baby".

So why won't he call me?

I used to be afraid of meeting the guys from the online world, but with him it is different. I can't wait to meet him. I look forward to that day. There are still things I worry about with meeting him but for the most part I am excited for it. Maybe he's not.

I don't understand if he is just scared to make the next step or if he just wan't to take things really slow. If he isn't interested in me wouldn't he have stopped emailing me by now? If he doesn't want to go further than emails then why is he on an online dating site to begin with?

I am mostly just confused by it. I will continue to email him because I love talking to him. I just wish I knew what to do next.


Anonymous said...


I'm hoping for the best, but he should be doing the pursuing. If he's not calling, it would make me wonder about his true interest level.

Alison Joy said...

Thanks Dating Dummy! And you were right...he wasn't interested.