Saturday, May 3, 2008

Read, Deleted

I just don't get it.

I may not be the hottest, sexiest or skinniest girl out there, but I am not ugly by any means. I have lots of personality and am easy to talk to and get along with.

Why then, has every guy on these online dating sites ignored me? All my sent messages are "read, deleted". I don't get it. What is so unattractive about a 29 year old woman , who has a decent job, a sense of humor and a knowledge of the game of football? Apparently I am not a good catch. This I don't get. I understand that not every person out there is going to be attracted to me, but not one guy on there is....NOT ONE! Come on.

Then, just when I was about to delete my profile from this silly site, a guy named John wrote me. He was nice and interesting. Conversations went so well that he wanted to call me tonight. So I foolishly gave him my number, finally thinking that this will go somewhere. He never called.

Why the runaround? Why say you are going to call when you have no intentions of doing so? Why lead a girl on?

I hate the dating world. The only reason why I am still in it is because as a single girl I have no choice. All single people are in the dating world whether they like it or not. Its sad. I'd like to check myself out of it like a bad hotel. Oh well. I'll stay at the one star motel...against my will.

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