Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am 5 days late for my period. I am scared out of my mind.

I have never been this late before. I haven't taken a test...yet. I feel like I should at least brace my boyfriend of this before dropping the bomb on him. And it could be entirely possible that the test if false.

I haven't taken a test yet because I am scared to. I am not sure if I am ready to know the results. I know that I am not young and it is perfectly acceptable now-a-days to have children out of wedlock. I am just not ready for it. I was hoping to at least be in this relationship for longer before children were introduced.

I know that my boyfriend will be supportive. We have actually had this conversation before about the what-ifs.

I am worried. I am scared. But I am sure that it will all work out as God plans it to....I hope.

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