Sunday, February 17, 2008

Good on paper, bad in bed?

I started online dating. I am still very sceptical about this whole thing but I thought I would give it a try, honestly just for the laughs. After an hour of answering my personality questions and creating my profile to best sell myself, I am in the online dating world. It's a scary, scary place.

I don't trust anyone on this thing. I would never be set up on a blind date for fear of being raped so I have no idea why on earth I would agree to date this way. This is why I have given up on dating cause it's a scary world out there and I am not trusting enough.

I have viewed several profiles on this site and honestly they all look great on paper. Everyone is trying to sell themselves so of course they would look like a great match. It is hard to tell through a computer screen whether one has chemistry with another. In fact, it is impossible. This is why online dating never works.

But also, I feel like it takes a lot out of it. Everyone has this perfect image of what their ideal mate looks like. But honestly, they never look like that in real life because that is just a fantasy. If everyone waited for that picture perfect person to come along, then no one would get married or all the "ugly" people would be single forever and that is not the case. In the online dating world, you are immediately judged by your posted photo. In the real world, you may meet someone that you aren't attracted to right away, but after getting to know them you fall in love with them regardless of their looks. When you "date" online, you may have weeded out someone that could be the love of your life just based on what photo they posted on their profile.

On the flip side, every profile I have read seems like a great guy. He looks great on paper. We all do. It's easy to make yourself look like a good catch with just a few typed words. So, you could potentially waste a lot of time communicating with this person through emails and instant messages only to find out that in person there is no chemistry at all. It is hard to get a good read on someone's real personality through text messages and emails.

If there are so many things working against people with this online dating, than why are millions of people flocking to it and paying lots of money to do it. Honestly, if I dropped any money on this online site I would want a guarantee that I would find my "one" within a year. That just can't be done. I suggest saving your money and finding your love the old fashioned way instead of being stuck in front of the computer screen all day. Get out and enjoy life...maybe you'll meet someone. Isn't it more fun that way?

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