Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are looks everything?

So, I have been online dating for a few weeks now. I am about ready to quit.

I have been rejected by several guys and have rejected a few of them myself.

There is one situation that is really irking me. I was matched up with this guy, Tim. We emailed back and forth for a couple of weeks. We have a lot in common and talked about anything and everything. It was going really well and I looked forward to reading his messages.

A few days ago, he asked me to send him a picture of myself. I did. He hasn't written me since.
I am hurt. Here is someone who I thought really enjoyed talking with me. He even suggested going on a date in his last email. I was excited at this prospect. Now he won't even talk to me. What gives? Are looks everything? How can a girl maintain her self-confidence while constantly getting rejected and being told that her personality is great but her looks just aren't good enough?

I am a beautiful, intelligent, fabulous and confident woman. If you can't see the fabulousness that is me, that is your loss, not mine.

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