Friday, November 28, 2008

Going Single, Part 1

So tomorrow is Ryan's wedding. Ryan is a family friend of ours and he is finally marrying Trish, after dating her for a year. I am proud and happy for him and can't wait for the wedding.

I am going dateless to this event. I invited my dancing friend to come but he has to work (or so he says) so I am going alone. I am a little worried but also looking forward to it at the same time.

I haven't gone to a wedding alone since 8th grade, so this is new to me. But I feel like an event like this may be a good place to meet a guy. I plan on looking fabulous. I have the perfect green sweater picked out that will fully accent my beautiful green eyes. I had my hair cut last week. I am wearing my black and white heels, that fit comfortably and look hot. Add makeup, smile, and lots of confidence and I am going to be THE girl to be with at the reception.

There is a snag to my whole plan of meeting someone and being all that I can be....My Mother. My mom is also invited to the wedding and is also going alone for the first time in over 30 years. She will want to hang out with me ALL day since she won't know many people there. She also has a way of knocking down my confidence and embarrassing me. Oh, and did I mention that she drives me CRAZY! I love her but she makes me go mad. She has no confidence in herself to mingle around and meet new people so she will be hanging by my side ALL night putting a damper on my plans.

And of course, as happy as I am for Ryan and Trish, I get a little depressed at a wedding or couples event like this. It just reminds me of what I had and what I lost and what I no longer have. And I often believe that I will never have all that....the wedding and fairy tail ending.

But I won't let that stop me. I will still go to this and have a great time. I'm going to dance my butt off and we'll see what happens.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll be fine (and fabulous)! Your mother has to realize that you have to do your own thing. Give her a pep talk. :-P

At least you'll know people there, and you're ready to be outgoing. I went to a wedding where the one person I was familiar with I had never met in person.