Friday, November 7, 2008


Last night, I started thinking about all the good memories I have from my last relationship. I do have some really nice memories with him. I started to miss him a little bit last night....then I remembered all the bad things and I realized I'm better off without him.

I don't miss him, I miss being loved and in love. I miss having someone to share things with. I miss having someone to cuddle with until I fall asleep. I miss having someone to bounce ideas off of. I miss having a partner to laugh with, to talk to, to dance with, to cry with. I missed being kissed and hugged. I miss the friendship and the companionship that we shared. I wonder if I'll ever have someone to share my life with again.

I'm usually accepting of my single self. But the last couple of days I've been down and pessimistic about it. I really am beginning to feel like I'm gonna be single forever. I really just want to be loved. I miss being loved .

And things lately seem backwards. Everyone keeps telling me how great I am but they won't date me. Guys want to be my friends but forget about being my boyfriend...thats out of the question for them. And my one and only single girlfriend, the one who I thought could never keep a boyfriend, is engaged to be married. What happened? Is is me? Is it them?

Is my prince charming out there? I want to make more memories.

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